Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Saudi Arabia to Obama: Stop Iran's Nuke Construction or We'll Begin Our Own

BALTIMORE, Maryland March 25, 2014 - Saudia Arabian Authorities have told USA President Obama to either stop the Iranian Nuclear Weapons program, or we will begin one of our own. These alternatives were presented to Washington recently, and are the reason why President Obama has added a stop in the Middle Eastern Kingdom to the end of a long and extremely busy foreign trip. Both Fox and Time Magazine are reporting this Tuesday night.

According to reports, Saudi Arabia has taken no action against the Iranian threat because President Obama promised them that the USA would not permit Iran to obtain a nuclear weapons capability. But the so-called deal brokered by USA Secretary of State John Kerry has eroded all confidence the Saudis had in President Obama's willingness to put a stop to the Iranians and their dream of owning the capability of delivering nuclear weapon to other countries. A prime target of a nuclear Iran will be Israel, most Western experts believe. Many western nations believe Israel will move against Iran's nuclear program rather than risk them gaining the capability of using such a weapon. Iran has often directly threatened to completely destroy Israel. The deal Kerry brokered permits Iran to continue to enrichin uranium. In exchange, Iran has agreed to, well, to be honest, Iran has agreed to do not much of anything,

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